Kave, I'm still trying to figure out what kind of drink you are congering up?
Lolz, nothing with any class, that'd be against my nature!Kave, I'm still trying to figure out what kind of drink you are congering up?
Lolz!All bets are off Kave at this point...
I never sleep well, but that's beside the point. I can remember from a few credits in geology that landslides almost always slide again.Hey, thanks for asking friend. Not a lot you can reasonably do to stabilize that particular slope but we are analyzing some other smaller sections for cabling and webbing. We are installing more remote weather stations to gather better Intel on rainfall and soil saturation so we can hopefully better predict these events. It's really a crap shoot because of all the variables. For what it's worth I haven't been sleeping very soundly either. At least now everything is frozen with our high pressure cold front.
Eh, you may be rich, but lawd im drunk.I'm drinking the purified essence of success. I used an acid-base reaction inside of a separatory funnel to extract the impure success from the non-aqueous/organic layer. I then performed a drawn out fractional distillation to further purify the layer. I next solidified the essence by removing water from the organic layer using anhydrous magnesium sulfate (MgSO4). Next, I removed any additional purities by performing a recrystallization, dissolving the impure solid in a heated solvent until the solution reached saturation, followed by gradual cooling. As the solution cooled, pure success crystals formed while impurities were left behind. Finally, I poured 44mL of absinthe over 0.15g of highly purified essence of success and consumed it.
Roughly T+ 120 minutes later, I became a billionaire with a net worth of 53 billion dollars, countless stock options, and a propensity for tax evasion.
This is a true story. I'm rich now. I can't believe my experiment worked. If you're wondering where the raw success came from, it was harvested from the biofluids of 36 different, healthy, highly successful venture capitalists who funded my experiment.
(I know, I'm really strange...but filthy rich, too. Sorry if I just wasted 3 minutes of your life with nonsense!)
The bottom cheese looks a hell of a lot like Brie, which is probably my favorite cheese on planet Earth. Is it as salty and delicious?View attachment 135681
Today, after dinner, I decided to have a dark beer. From the point of view of recreation, we Russians have quite original beer snacks - cheese and salted fish. For me personally, everything is completely original - Camembert cheese and Cambozola cheese, as well as some trout with weak salt. However, this set is just for me. All other Russians like a variety of beer snacks)
It's amazing that the wall lamp caused so many emotions)The bottom cheese looks a hell of a lot like Brie, which is probably my favorite cheese on planet Earth. Is it as salty and delicious?
Also, has that light bulb been installed inside of the counter there? Or is that a reflection of the ceiling above, probably? What a mind f*ck. Or mayb that's a light you've moved to accent everything with? I can't tell.
There are only two types of cheese - Camembert and Cambozola - Камамбер — Википедия -, Камбоцола — Википедия - must be a light you brought close to the scene of your picture because Wow! That's amazing! Sorry, I sometimes spend too much time observing. So which of those cheeses is the one at the bottom of your cheese plate? That's the one which looks like Brie. Does it taste like brie? What's it called? You mentioned two cheeses, but I don't know which it is.
It's not for me!) I'm a gourmet…No crackers? You're missing out, @Maximalist .