

Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
Hard to believe there is not already such a thread here somewhere, but I couldnt find one. Sean does have a thread on tree worker treatments etc, which I also couldn't find.

Anyway, I always prefer to exercise outside, often while hiking etc, killing 2 birds with one stone kinda thing.

A buddy in his late 60's got into TRX training and said it helped him alot, so I made one out of rope, prussics, rake handle grips, microscender for the main height/length adjustment, I like it alot. Like most any exercise 'modality' no single approach can do it all but the TRX approach, which i'm still very new to, is versatile and seems like a nice addition to a general fitness approach.

Anyone else got a go-to or interesting take on exercise?
That's pretty much how I see it. I've always been fairly against exercise. Work just to work is boring and not immediately productive. Climbing is good. Not so much in the summer for me, but I push a stupid mower around the yard every week or two, and my normal stuff I get paid for gets me moving. I'm calling it Good Enough™
I find climbing and tree work to be pulling and gripping dominated. Getting unbalanced muscle groups leads to different Musculo-skeletal (sp?) disorders, such as shoulder blades and knee caps moving out of natural alignment.

Core work/ strong core muscles is a part of safety and longevity.

Just getting over a sore elbow. Tight biceps and brachioradialis from lifting (pulling with arms) firewood onto the splitter and stacking, plus chainsaw work, and not much else during my late summer stay-cation and back to work.

Cross-training/ preventative PT makes for better climbing, and longer working careers.

I'm not great at it. I'm learning to be better.

Time for more water and a little stretching.

And coffee.

Imagine if you were not an ambi-turner, you'd get worn out on one side.

Zoolander, anyone?
I ride my bike as much as possible and play 5 a side football very occasionally. I'm not climbing very much at all compared to some but certainly feel it if I do a solid day
I had a groundie who worked out after work and the next day he was always complaining about how sore he was and was sluggish on the job.
My day job is no longer physical so I have to get exercise to be in shape to do the active things I like to do when not working. I hate exercising so I try to work out as much of my body as possible in as little time as possible. I have a pair of lead shot bags I lift over my head while doing either a squat or dead lift, curl them with fingers and biceps, and do a toe raise at the top. Also try to get in some push-ups and sit-ups. Any other ideas welcomed.
I'm gonna guess he damaged his brain prior to attempting such a ridiculously unsafe movement. I've been interested in weight training and fitness for over 30 years and have never seen such a stupid exercise.
I’m a middle aged stay home Dad who’s had some “tune up” surgeries around caring for me toddler for 2 years. A large factor in my decision to seek work in the tree business is my desire to resume an active lifestyle. I signed a job offer as an arborist trainee starting in 2 months, right now exercise feels like crucial preparation towards my survival on the job. I’ve been allocating daily time to ‘walk hard’ (Check the Johnny Cash Mockumentary) with some brief spurts of running when the wind is in my favor. I picked up a used maxi climber machine that gets regular 5 minute intervals. Every few weeks I entertain the neighbors with footlocking laps on my rope wrench and slippery 11mm rope. I mix in some occasional bicycling, rock climbing, brief 5-15min yoga type stretching sessions. Last month I tried to toughen up Wim Hof style with a 1 min. Cold bath - it got me moving, but did not stick. I’ve got a resistance band from Knee PT I use, and this week I’ve spent some time absorbing calisthenics tips from Hannibal Latham-like pull ups with hands together & lowering slowly. I’m a little sore from rolling a dead pickup out of the road two days ago. Next week I’ll be unpacking a POD moving container….and I’m rambling, which is my cue to exit. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction! Cheers!
It’s hard to find time to do everything. Was doing firewood a little a day during lunch and after work but bounced a maul of a a nasty Euc round and left wrist went all swollen etc. I should start a post about injuries…I wonder how you guys do it when you get hurt but gotta work? I did something to the tissue (tendons?) that connect the bottom of my left bicep. Not bad pain but it’s been a year or two and it still there. Probably because I haven’t given it a proper rest. It sure is awkward to try to switch “power arms”.
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I have a similar set up out back in a hemlock tree.

You can do alot with a little
