
Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
I ve never seen one, I'm not particularly interested in them because of the sketchy reputation surrounding the topic. Sure, I'd like to see one but not an overly big fan of the topic. Watched this Joe Rogan episode featuring a high level Navy pilot and his mates who saw one in great, verified detail. Mighty interesting

My only thing is if they were so advanced you'd think they could hide better... or perhaps they just don't care.
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According to this pilot, they can hide or evade at will, no problemo
Watched about a hour of it, glad I did. Consider me flipped out. My father had a childhood friend that went on to be an electrical engineer for a gov contractor. One of them kind of people so smart he was basically a functional idiot. Couldn’t use a lawnmower, stepladder. Couldn’t hammer a nail, plumbing just blew his mind how it worked. Funny as hell to be around. After he passed away his wife explained to us he was the lead EE on the Black Bird project (SR71), lead designer on the electronics for the C5 Galaxy. He was far from being an idiot. Anyway, my father and I were doing some work on his deck at his “hunting” cabin up on the mountain, this was after he retired so I figured he might open up and talk about stuff. He never talked about his work. After a few beers I asked him if UFOs were a real thing or just bullchit the gov made up to distract the public eye from their projects. He got out of his chair and went in the cabin, came back out with a pencil and paper and drew a cube and circled it. He said “there’s your ufo”. I didn’t push the conversation any further figuring he was either drunk or just being goofy. That video describes exactly what he drew that day. Weird chit.
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When I think of ufos I first think of whoah is there life out there. So it was interesting to learn that the gov is mighty interested not so much in that but in trying to figure out the radical propulsion systems on ufos.

Gimme some good gravitational field propulsion!!!
I like him buzzing the campers with afterburners. I've seen it many times at night IRL. They just POOF! Click them off!
What? It's ok. I understand Lousiana doesnt have them... it's mainly PNW.

And the CHUPACABRA!...

We saw cows that had been vampired... drained ofblood by the neck...

Now the Loch Ness Monster is a bunch of Crap.
I don't believe anything until it's proven. Funny how everyone has a camera in their pockets now, yet pictures of 'strange things' has reduced to almost nothing.
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He has quite a wide array of guests. Good stuff
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;) True