Flat screen TVs.

Dave Shepard

Square peg, round world.
Oct 28, 2007
Alford, MA
I need to upgrade to a flat screen, but I know nothing about them. We are getting fiber in town, and I will need a TV to stream stuff. I was looking at them in Target tonight. The smallest was 40", which is too big. There were all kinds of things I'd never heard of like refresh rates and Hulu ready. Any advice? I couldn't believe you could get a 40" flat screen for under $250. I'll probably run it wirelessly. We get a wifi router with the installation, and we are getting 1 gig up/down, so wifi speed will still be in the 500 mb/s range.
Trust me on this, that's definitely not too big. I have a 50 and I want a bigger one
We have a 40" 1k Vizio in the living room we bought for our apartment 6 years ago. In our bedroom/my office/desktop computer I have 43" 4k TVs which I linked below. I picked them based largely on www.rtings.com information, TVs for use as a computer monitors.

The Hulu reference is an app for smart TVs that can access Hulu natively. My The 4ks have Netflix and Youtube apps. I have my XBox hooked to one TV for some other apps and an Apple TV (another smart device kinda thing).

You'll wonder how you ever watched TV the old way, Dave.

HD will blow your mind. Get a Samsung or a Vizio, not one of those off-brand companys.
I'm kinda wanting a 4g one too, the prices have dropped dramatically... anyone got one?
Do you have a Costco?

Price may be comparable outside Costco, but the return policy and concierge service is excellent and included. I generally go that option first.

My wife likes a bigger screen. I'm fine with 30 in., but 40 in. is nice.
Flat screens on a wall, instead of a computer monitor reduces 'close-work', using your eyes constantly focused up close will ruin them, they say. More prevalent in our screen-oriented world.
Need would be a tough thing to justify, but basically I have as much screen space as 16 22" (1080) monitors with that setup. I traded a lot last year, February wasn't fun so I took a break from trading to build the hook lift truck and get the tree company going again. I'll get back to trading soonish.

We watch TV in bed on the top left TV. All 4 are mounted on adjustable arms so they can stow flat against the wall as well as move to where they're wanted. The computer runs all 4 at 4k. The bottom left was my main screen, bottom right was my chatroom/browsing screen, and the top two were for more information. Not needed, but I am the king of overkill, usually.
I don't watch much TV but bought a flat screen for my living room last year. Went on Amazon and got a leftover Samsung for stupid cheap, less than $200. Works great. The RCA in the bedroom died so I bought another Samsung. Saves me from having to learn how to work multiple remotes of different brands when going from one to the other.

Still using the two 24" Samsung flat screen monitors that I bought way back in the day before I sent you my old monitor. I no longer have both connected to my computer, one got borrowed to set up my house security system.
Carl, I had to laugh at your set up, zoomed in on the mags expecting something else, saw only machine ads.

Absolute boy, as we say in the UK.

Flat screens on a wall, instead of a computer monitor reduces 'close-work', using your eyes constantly focused up close will ruin them, they say. More prevalent in our screen-oriented world.

I met a guy who engraved for the production of USA currency, which is very closeup work. I think he would dispel that as a myth.

Our son just set up 3 monitors side by side on a wide 8 foot desk for graphic design and web application work. Our other son whom he works with, has about 6 monitors stacked two wide and three tall.
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Decided to go with a cheap 32" from Wally World. Like $130 something. It's a SmartTV, 720p etc. A better TV, 40", 1080p, etc. was not in the budget right now, as I had to get a BluRay also. I'm just getting the bare minimum to get the streaming up and running. I'll get a better unit down the road.
I think mines a 42” and I can’t tell you the brand. Also I have know idea how it works. If I watch tv it’s because my wife or kids have something on. I watch my dvd movies on my old little 13” combo when I want to watch a certain movie.
We watch everything streaming via services like Netflix, Vudu, Hulu (currently canceled), HBO Now, etc. I have a couple hundred movies on Vudu where I own a digital copy of the movie but not a physical. I greatly prefer digital over the past 6 years.
I've got a 42" above the computer I'm typing on ,on a wall mount Samsung,about $350 .The 32" Sony which is older,in the bedroom was around $1400 .The prices have dropped like a rock over the years . Georgie Girl has a 60" .
I can tie the computer into the 32" if I want to.