Battery Powered Chainsaw Test.


May 6, 2005
South East Sweden
I thought I would post this here so you know.

Saws tested was:
Pellenc C20
Husqvarna 536LIxp
Stihl msa 200c-bq
Makita DUC 302 z
Oregon CS250.

The test was to see runtime in wood, tech stuff, handling and possible uses.

I did not pick the saws, just tested what I was sent by reporter.
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We ran the saws, journalist wrote his article and now after publication I can talk about it.
O.K. Man, so.... Talk...

From what I heard from you're quarter regarding the electric pigs recently, you're uhh... not a big fan... so... Is that still the case?
This thread is like the thread after Magnus met with husky engineers over the 550. It's a let down. I don't say this to rile you Magnus or to be a prick. It's just sort of, well, a dead end. Give us the scoop sir!

Seriously though, I'm not picking on you. Just hoping you'll share the goods this time.
Is it possible that the article isn't published yet? I'm guessing he chose Pellenc or Husky.
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  • #10
Which one is best?

Pellenc. Without any doubt.

O.K. Man, so.... Talk...

From what I heard from you're quarter regarding the electric pigs recently, you're uhh... not a big fan... so... Is that still the case?

I fail to see what the use could be for these with a couple minutes runtime.
I am not a big fan of these saws with battery in them. It is not ready yet by a long shot and leave too much to be desiered.

This thread is like the thread after Magnus met with husky engineers over the 550. It's a let down. I don't say this to rile you Magnus or to be a prick. It's just sort of, well, a dead end. Give us the scoop sir!

Seriously though, I'm not picking on you. Just hoping you'll share the goods this time.
As last time I try to be as informative as I can. But without questions it is hard to know what you want to be informed of.
Not sure what you want to know so I thought I post away and see if any questions pop up.
Seems you are more interested in me and what I don't say rather than asking about the saws... Odd to me.
You are still after that bedstrand pic aren't you!

They ran as electric saws in general, except not very long (with exception of pellenc. I did not get battery packs for the others, that was a pity.
Would be interesting to see.

Husqvarna was not up to my expectations at all. Battery that is available today is crap and another is on the way that I got to test, a tad better.
I liked that it had a light indicating it was active.

Pellenc really impressed my especially in design. By far the best saw if you mean to get a saw that is to be used.

Stihl was about the same as Husqvarna in performance but throttle lock was not good at all.

Makita Was not really bad if you think of it as a electric tool to be used by contractors etc. The two battery's are same as used in all other stuff so this I can understand.

Oregon was not a bad saw. Power sharp really suck, but that is no news.
With exception of pellenc this and Stihl had best runtime.
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I was wondering why he started a thread, then never followed through.

What do you mean by this? I posted a pic went to bed, wake up to this...
Not really inspiring questions about the saws....
You could be right. Perhaps this was not the place for this thread.
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I ran them, I know a bit of them...

If you have questions about the saws just fire away.
Eventually, I'll be getting one of the battery saws. Not sure on what one, to early to tell in the game.

The Pellenc is definitely not in the running. I want a saw that I can grab and cut with, no pulling a rope or putting on a backpack.

Something I can carry on the atv or tractor to clear downed branches from the trails and fields, not going to use it for a continuous duty saw.

I thought I would post this here so you know.

Saws tested was:
Pellenc C20
Husqvarna 536LIxp
Stihl msa 200c-bq
Makita DUC 302 z
Oregon CS250.

The test was to see runtime in wood, tech stuff, handling and possible uses.

I did not pick the saws, just tested what I was sent by reporter.

Is it just me?? what

tech stuff?
possible uses?

I ran them, I know a bit of them...

If you have questions about the saws just fire away.

What cc class would you liken their power output to.??
Did you notice any oiler issues? Or did they not run long enough durations to really tell?
Gentlemen: The saws all suck. What? Does he have to spell it all out in Swedish? I doubt if he wants to offend the pencil-pushing geeks who gave him the testers.
There is no question that these saws are in no way comparable to even a small cc gas saw. Although, if ,like Ed, you are looking for a consistent running easy to use saw that requires minimal care and no pulling of a cord,these electric saws are a good bet. I agree with Magnus, at least about the Stihl, that it has a long way to go to keep up with combustion. That being said, I really don't mind not sucking all of the dead dinosaurs fumes into my body all day.
The battery game is in full swing all over the world in every market. They will be something to look at in the not so distant future. If you're looking at Carbon footprint, I'd look elsewhere right now.
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Yes, you can be a troll, that is fine with me.
They were run under load, not dry humping. None of the saws without battery pack had run time over 14min. Makita and Husqvarna never past 10.
Pellenc ran 20 minutes and had close to 80% left.
tech stuff?
What you want to know?

possible uses?
Already answered.
Handling I can tell how I experienced it, not how you will.
The one saw that I felt really comfortable with was Pellenc. The others was way behind.
Heavy to hold and handle and all but HVA a bit bulky On the other hand HVA was a bit long.
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  • #22
What cc class would you liken their power output to.??
Did you notice any oiler issues? Or did they not run long enough durations to really tell?
No oiler issues during test this time. I could tell they lube well enough for what they are meant to do. Plenty big oil tanks to run a battery, then you have to abort anyway to switch battery so putting oil in then is likely no problem.
Worst thing you can do is run a saw with dull chains. After that the larger dry hard wood is what create worst wear and these saws would not be a choice for it anyway.
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  • #23
Gentlemen: The saws all suck.
No, not at at all. I just fail to see what you could do with them that you can't do with a gas powered saw.
It is a pretty pricey toy to have...

Does he have to spell it all out in Swedish?
If it helps, I can do that...
Inte alls! Jag ser bara inte användningsområdet de kan nåt bättre än bensinsåg.
Dyr leksak att ha...

I doubt if he wants to offend the pencil-pushing geeks who gave him the testers.
The distributes sent the saw here for me to test. Reporter set that up. He wrote his story and his point of view based on the test I did.
I am not influenced or affected by any brand. I am not in any way restricted to say anything what so ever!
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There is no question that these saws are in no way comparable to even a small cc gas saw.
Yes, this is a correct assumption.
HVA sent a 439xp, Stihl a 150C for comparison in weight, power etc.

Although, if ,like Ed, you are looking for a consistent running easy to use saw that requires minimal care and no pulling of a cord,these electric saws are a good bet.
These are not less work with to care for. Cutting system need attention, battery system too. They still need to be cleaned and are not much lighter when battery is in them.

With exception of Pellenc they all suck crap in to them.