The Risky Life of a Logger


Jul 28, 2007
Gilmanton, N.H.
Not a bad documentary on logging practices that have gone on in over 200 years of North American work.

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I'd love to hear what you have to say Mr.Beranek sir, the little things you mentioned...
The nitpicking part comes down mostly to the terminology used in the script. It's vague, overly generalized, and inaccurate in many instances, but nonetheless for it, in the big picture the documentary does a most excellent job at portraying the industry as a whole. And for that I'll give it a two-thumbs-up!
lol i getcha,of course it's gotta be generalized for the masses,they really don't care about fine detail.
Amongst treemen/women the details and the accuracy of the description ARE(I would put this in an italic slanted font but I only have the caps option) the story,idk if I'm making sense lol just winding down from the week.
I do understand what yer saying though
OSHA: With everything else we call out, still getting hit by tree fall is highest mortality>>